Oceanview at brighton beach

Contemplating the ocean view, very often i feel a deep connection with the world. It feels as if the beat of my heart and the rhythm of the waves synchronise and inside and outside become one. No matter where in the world I am: The smell of the water, the call of the sea-gulls and the wind in my face are similar enough. I forget about the hectic of the cities and the loneliness of the countryside and for this

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New York as a mythological city

Waiting at Berlin Airport to board my flight to New York City, I think about all the support I received in the last month from my family, friends and other people to make the trip I am about to start possible. To live for 3 month in NYC will mean to experience the process of transforming a mythological city into a real one. NYC is at the same time known to many people through the popcultural mediation and unknown  due

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